What are You waiting For


I just re-glued the hanging Ladybug that Polly gave me years ago. That bug has broken his legs and arms too many times, he has scars.



My Note I received from the Universe 6th of August:


Lots of synchronicity going on in the Universe


Your thoughts become things every single day, no matter what the occasion, no matter where the  energy vortices, no matter when the equinox starts,  no matter what the economy is doing, no matter who is in office, no matter what you want, no matter when you want it, no matter what, no matter what, no matter what.

Any other thinking just gives your power away.

Love you by leaps and bounds,
The Universe

What they remind me of, Phoenix, is that we are truly here to thrive. It’s our default setting, our true “normal.”  Life, at these primitive times, is mostly about getting out of our own way.

Letting the currents of abundance, love, and friendships lift us higher, with the divine buoyancy that even now spins the cells in our bodies – in your body.

Author: cryominute

In my mind are the castles of a realm unseen Come, join me on my flight